Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Sunglasses

This piece has taken me longer than any piece to do, well not THAT long...about 4 days. Mostly because of the little circles in the background. I used Pentel artist's makers (I also used Pentel artist's markers on HELL) which was really fun for me mostly because it was a new medium. On almost all my drawings I use fine point pens, and Faber Castel colored pencils...so I wanted to try something different.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Self Portrait Attmpt 2...didn't go so well

But at least I tried! It's good practice but this girl looks nothing like me!!

Native Daughter

I was trying to imitate those old traditional sailor tattoos and the like...didn't come out the way I planned.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Positive negative Drawing Assignment

I did this for my drawing 1 class, where we had to do a piece with over-lapping black and white spaces.

Unfinished...well now it's done

This picture was taken before I did the finished version!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Middle Aged Man

My shading needs work, this was a practice piece...done of course in the math lab!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Red. Orange. Yellow.


I need to work on my shading...but here is my latest!


Another sketch done during math tutoring.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blue in the Face

Another drawing done on the back of a math lab problem set!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cool Artist of the Week: Ruth Chrisman Gannett

In my parent's house my dad owns a book that was given to him on his seventh birthday by his parents titled "My Father's Dragon" and the pictures have captivated me for years they were illustrated by (you guessed it) Ruth Chrisman Gannett.

I just love how quirky and beautiful the images are, you can just tel that Ruth must of had an active imagination.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Love Killer

I have been watching slasher movies to compensate for my lack of a love life lately.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Some would say I find the sinister in the cute...I'd say I find the cute in the sinister.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Theophilus London

Theophilus London is an up and coming MC that I have blogged about on my music blog. however I am not only attracted to his music but also to his unique style, a style that is fresh and is also being promoted by other rappers like 88-Keys, Kid Cudi and The Cool Kids. The clothes are fitted street smart and stylish. I can get used to this.

Cool Artist of the Week: Yumiko Kayukawa

Why I like her: She blends Western and Japanese styles to make art that is aesthetically pleasing and whimsical. (Sans cutesy manga characters).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Photo Excursions

Some old photography (a few self portraits in case you were curious) and some other pictures from this big Euro trip I took after high school. I basically skipped "graduation" to go and I never regretted it. The self portrait was taken with my Kodak EasyShare again, but all the other pictures were actually taken with disposable cameras...go figure.

18 year old me! (I am 20 now so it's still pretty accurate!)

The Dome in Cologne Germany:

More to come later on!

Miss Bollywood

So I went on this huge "Bollywood binge" over the weekend and this is the result...

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have been looking at a lot of Mexican folk art recently and I tried to mimic their styles.

Geisha With Blue Fan

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unreleased Video of Jean Micheal Basquiat

Jean Micheal Basquiat was considered one of the most important artists of the 1980s. This interview was done in 1986, just two years before Micheal's death from a heroin overdose. The footage has not been seen by the public for over 20 years...I am quite curious about this interview and will definitely see it (it was released on February 21st).

Edie Sedgwick

I just watched Factory Girl for the 5th time. It is one of my favorite movies, and Edie definitely is a tragic character. I have always been more fascinated with her life than Andy Warhol's. I must admit I'm not a huge Studio 54 fan...I just don't get most of Warhol's work, maybe with an Art History course or two it'll sink in.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Math Tutoring

I am a math tutor (mostly calculus...) but no one came in today...so this is what happens. You can be happy to know that it was done on the back of an old "Algebra Problem Set" because I recycle!

Cool Artist of the Week: Peter Max

Why I like him: peter Max's use of bright neon colors and trippy images characterized the psychedelic pop art movement of the 1960s. You have to love his bold use of color.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Photo Archives...

If you look at my last photography post you may have noticed a picture of railroad tracks...well this was the FIRST picture of those tracks I took nearly 4 years ago. This was all done with the same Kodak Easy Share camera by the way.

Some more early pictures I took in high school...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Balancing Life

Posts will not be as frequent this week on this blog because I really really need to concentrate on my music blog (which I had for a longer period of time, almost a year in fact: TheMusicGeek). Plus, I am trying to work with new mediums, although I love my Faber Castell pencil set, (believe me I've had it for 7 years and it has served me well) I want to experiment with watercolors and maybe pastels (of course I still have to get supplies). Getting back into watercolors is going to take a while. As someone who likes "control" over my work, watercolors are going to be quite difficult to getting used to, however as I delve deeper into abstract art experiments I am drawn to how fluid and muted water colors look on paper. I also have school...and don't worry I am a very good student =) so the end of this rambling paragraph is that don't expect as much art from me in the coming weeks...not that there will be a complete dry spell...but still.

Photo Shoot

This Sunday I just went out with my really cheap camera (it's a Kodak Easy Share Z730 if you were wondering) and just decided to snap a few photos of a late February afternoon. I was really struck by the bare beauty of the leafless trees against the stark blue sky. I really don't have much experience with photography, I do have an old Nikon SLR (it takes film) and I am struggling to learn how to use it but by no means am I an experienced photographer...although I may post some older photos up in the future from my archive (I have tons).

Electric Feel

I listen to too much MGMT.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I was looking at some Peter Max stuff and came up with the idea for this trippy polo shirt.
